About me

Hi, my name is Triston Land! I embarked on my self-taught programming journey in 2022, starting with Harvard University's CS50, an introduction to computer science. I can't speak highly enough of this course; it's not only free but also arguably the best introduction to computer science available. The instructor, David Malan, is a key part of what makes this course so exceptional. His passion for teaching and computer science is evident in every lecture, making the learning process both engaging and enjoyable.

CS50 provided me with a solid foundation in computer science principles and programming. The course covers a wide range of topics, starting with the basics of C and gradually moving into more complex subjects like algorithms, data structures, memory management, and even web development with languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. The problem sets, known as 'psets', are challenging yet incredibly rewarding, pushing students to apply their learning in practical and often creative ways. If anyone is at the start of their programming journey I highly recommend checking out CS50.

After completing CS50 in 2022, I sought to deepen my understanding of C++ and turned to learncpp.com. This website offers a comprehensive tutorial on C++, covering everything from the basics to more advanced topics. I diligently read through the material and followed along with the examples and exercises. This self-study not only reinforced my programming skills but also gave me a more profound understanding of C++

In 2023, I took the leap into game development by learning Unity and C#. My journey kicked off with a game jam, where I led a team of three. It was our first time using version control for a collaborative project, which was both challenging and a whole lot of fun. We created a game called Don't Panic inspired by the game "Tin Can." In "Don't Panic," players are in charge of a failing spaceship. They need to manage power, oxygen, and temperature, all while dealing with circuit boards that keep breaking down at the control station. This experience was a great mix of learning and fun. We got to tackle new tech skills and work together to bring our game idea to life.

As I continue to build on my self-taught journey, I am actively working on side projects and constantly learning new things. I am always looking to collaborate on projects with others. If you want to get in touch, the best way is to contact me is on Discord.

Discord: sL1MTman